The registration for the side events takes place during the conference registration process.
Talking Science organised by
Date & Time: 12 June 2024 | 18:00 – 21:00
Location: Kuppelsaal at Vienna University of Technology | Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna (4th floor)
Networking in the spirit of science and crisis communication: The Disaster Competence Network Austria invites participants of the IP24 to a stimulating evening, taking place in the beautiful Kuppelsaal at the Vienna University of Technology.
The evening will be kicked off with exciting keynotes from representatives of the Ministry of Science, Research and Education, the Austrian Broadcasting Cooperation, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The focus is on communication and science skepticism, as well as new approaches and insights in the field of crisis communication. In thematic groups – floods, gravitational mass movements, extreme weather phenomena, and protection of critical infrastructure – you will be able to exchange ideas with other experts and make new contacts, all while enjoying culinary and cultural frame.
Music and snacks will be provided.
Overview of the evening programme:
18:00: Welcoming and Opening: Peter Ertl (TU Wien Vice Rector Research, Innovation, International Affairs) & Christian Resch (DCNA Managing Director)
18:10: Keynote “Explore science. Experience democracy. Be part of DNAustria. How the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research promotes strategically science communication and democracy education.”: Alexandra Parragh (Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research)
18:30: Keynote “Communicating Science: Why, to Whom, and How?”: Andreas Bergthaler (Medical University of Vienna)
18:50: Connect-over-Dinner: networking meet & eat in thematic clusters
Women Networking Event organised by
Date & Time: 12 June 2024 | 17:45 - 22:00
Location: Dachsaal of the Wiener Urania | Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Vienna
© Peter Gugerell
The international network women exchange for Disaster Risk Reduction (we4DRR) invites female students, researchers, administrators, policy makers and practitioners working in the fields of natural hazard management and disaster risk reduction to a networking event in the Dachsaal of the Wiener Urania in the evening on 12 June 2024.
The event will feature an insightful keynote with Loretta Hieber-Giradet, Chief of the Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity-Development Branch of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). Previously, Loretta served as Chief of the UNDRR Asia-Pacific regional office, covering 38 of the world’s most disaster-prone countries. She also has a background in public health and worked for the World Health Organization in various capacities, including emergency contexts in Afghanistan, Pakistan and sub-Saharan Africa. Her experience in emergency contexts spans more than 25 years and she is the author of several publications. There will be interactive sessions and many opportunities to exchange and connect with others in a relaxed atmosphere. Snacks and drinks will be provided. The event venue is located in the city centre right by the Donaukanal.
Overview of the evening programme:
17:45 - 18:15: Registration; Welcome drinks & snacks
18:15-18:30: Welcome; Moderation: Catrin Promper (Austrian Environmental Agency), Introduction to we4DRR, Michaela Teich (Austrian Research Centre for Forests; Managing Director we4DRR)
18:30-19:15: Keynote lecture "Champions of Change: Women at the Forefront of DRR" with Q&A; Moderation: Catrin Promper (Environment Agency Austria) Keynote: Loretta Hieber-Girardet (UNDRR)
19:15-19:30: Interactive session with the audience; Moderation: Catrin Promper (Austrian Environmental Agency)
19:30-20:00: Snacks & drinks (Break)
20:00-20:30: 4 women – 4 paths; Moderation: Lydia Pedoth (EURAC Research, Italy)
Maria Patek (formerly Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, Austria)
Giulia Bossi (National Research Council, Italy)
Anne Hormes (W&P Felsprojekt, Germany)
Helen Gosteli (Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards Planat)
20:30-22:00: Poster exhibition; Mingle with drinks and snacks
You can also register by sending an email to
Transboundary Water Management in the Danube River Basin organised by ICPDR
© WienTourismus, Christian Stemper