Field Trips
In addition to the oral presentations during INTERPRAEVENT 2024, practical experience also plays an important role. To strengthen this, 11 one-day field trips will take place on 13 June 2024. They will focus on various topics relating to risk and hazard management in practice. All session topics of the conference will be represented. The field trips will take you to particularly attractive and fascinating Austrian regions in and around Vienna.
The registration for the field trips takes place during the conference registration process.
Detailed information on each field trip are in the field trip programme (available in German and English)

01 Urban flood risk management | Vienna, City of Science
The field trip will give insights into weather observation and forecasting, research on bodies of water and municipal flood protection. Part of the guided tour are the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (River Lab), Vienna's Danube flood protection and the climatology and meteorology headquarter of Austria.
Departure: 08:15 - 8:30 | Price: 80 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: BOKU Wasserbaulabor (River Lab),
Am Brigittenauer Sporn 3 - 1200 Vienna
Organised by City of Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and Geosphere Austria

02 The role of Nature-based Solutions
Discover the Viennese approach for Nature-based Solution measures at the Liesingbach and discuss with experts from different countries about the role of Nature-based Solutions and their effectiveness for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
Departure: 08:15 - 8:30 | Price: 80 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting Point: in front of Vienna Central Train Station, ) main entrance, level 0, outdoor, in front of MacDonalds I Am Hauptbahnhof 1 - 1100 Vienna
Fully booked
Organised by University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and EUSALP AG8

03 Flood retention and Earthquake monitoring in the Vienna Woods
Get to know the regional protection concept for the Triesting river in the southern Vienna Woods and visit the Conrad Observatory for international research in the field of geophysics.
Departure: 08:15 | Price: 120 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Burgtheater Vienna I Josef-Meindrad Platz, 1010 Vienna
Organised by Federal Government of Lower Austria, Geosphere Austria, Austrian Service for Torrent and Avalanche and Triesting Wasserverband

04 Natural area management in the national park Donau-Auen
Explore the national park Donau-Auen by boat, while learn about the natural area management in the natural floodplain forests and renaturation projects along the Danube river.
Departure: 08:15 | Price: 120 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Vienna City Center (exact meeting point to be announced)
Organised by National Park Donau-Auen and Federal Government of Lower Austria

05 Protection against natural hazards within the Wachau World Heritage region
Gain insight into the unique requirements and challenges of natural protection systems in a World Heritage region and discover the beautiful cultural landscape of the Wachau. Furthermore, you will get a closer look behind the scenes of rock fall protection nets.
Departure: 08:15 | Price: 100 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Burgtheater Vienna I Josef-Meindrad Platz, 1010 Vienna
Organised by Federal Government of Lower Austria, Austrian Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control and Trumer Schutzbauten GmbH

06 Landslides in Austrian low mountain ranges – an underestimated risk
Learn more about landslides in low mountain ranges and field-monitoring tools. Discuss current and future challenges of extreme events and visit adaptation structures to see how respective challenges are currently addressed.
Departure: 08:15 | Price: 100 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Stadtpark Vienna I Weiskirchnerstraße, 1030 Vienna
Organised by University of Vienna Department of Geography and Regional Research

07 Demonstration of a "Natural hazard and climate change check for municipalities"
Get to know the methodology and setting of the audit method "Precautionary natural hazard and climate change check for municipalities" which is a risk communication concept at municipal level. Furthermore, you will visit a flood protection system.
Departure: 08:15 | Price: 100 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Vienna Central Train Station, main entrance, level 0, inside, meeting point „Markuslöwe“ (Mark´s Lion)
Am Hauptbahnhof 1 - 1100 Vienna
Organised by Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Austrian Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control, Federal Government of Lower Austria and the municipality Rabenstein/Pielach
08 Resilience and prevention in the spring protection forests of the city of Vienna
Find out about the importance of the spring protection forests in the Schneeberg-Rax region for the drinking water system of Vienna. Learn about the major challenges (e.g. climate change or forest fire) for the tending and management of these forests.
Not available anymore
Organised by City of Vienna – Forestry and Agriculture (MA49)

09 Protection against natural hazards on the historic Semmering Railway (oldest mountain railway in Europe)
Learn first-hand the importance of effective natural hazard management for modern rail infrastructure. You will visit the Semmering Railway, which is the oldest standard-gauge mountain railway in Europe and a World Heritage site.
Departure: 08:15 | Price: 100 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Stadtpark Vienna I Weiskirchnerstraße, 1030 Vienna
Fully booked
Organised by Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) Infrastructure cooperation and Austrian Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control
10 Avalanche Control in the Region Vordernberg/Präbichl (Styria)
Hike up to the technical and non-technical protection measures against avalanches and rock fall on the Vordernberger Mauern and the Präbichl Pass. Due to their historical importance, the pass crossing and the market town are centuries-old settlement areas that are massively threatened by alpine natural hazards.
Departure: 07:45 | Price: 120 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Stadtpark Vienna I Weiskirchnerstraße, 1030 Vienna
Organised by Austrian Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control

11 Disaster Management in Palten Valley (Styria)
Discover the various protection measures that were implemented after catastrophic flood events in the Palten Valley in 2012. Learn more about the protection of the 1.000-year-old town centre of Admont and visit its world-famous library afterwards.
Departure: 07:45 | Price: 100 € (inkl. VAT)
Meeting point: Stadtpark Vienna I Weiskirchnerstraße, 1030 Vienna
Organised by Austrian Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control