Avalanche Blons

A number of avalanches occurred in the Großes Walsertal (Austria) between January 10 and 12t, 1954. The trigger is considered to be the extreme and dry snowfall of more than 2 m within 24 hours under the influence of stormy, snow-carrying northwest winds. During these devastating avalanches, 177 people were buried in the valley, of which 80 people could no longer be rescued alive. In the community of Blons alone, a third of the houses were destroyed and a third of the mountain village's population, a total of 57 people, died. Emergency aid for Blons was provided via the first airlift in Austria's history. After the avalanche disasters in 1951, the immense personal injury and property damage in Blons led to the development and establishment of modern avalanche protection in Austria in 1954.

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